I’ve recently finished a new website for a new client: OnCampus Advertising www.oncampusadvertising.com. Development of this new website involved a completely new design which was constructed using Drupal, PHP, and jQuery. Additionally, a WordPress blog was developed which utilizes the parent website’s styling.


OnCampus Advertising is a youth-focused marketing and media services company that helps brands reach college students on campuses across the US and Canada. Their media services include college newspapers, online, mobile, out-of-home displays, brand ambassadors and more. They have focused on the college market over the past 10 years, developing a deep industry expertise and unparalleled service offering.


I’ve just completed a new website for a new client: Career Coach Clive: www.careercoachclive.com. This website was built using PHP, jQuery, and CSS.


Career Coach Clive works with professionals who have achieved significant financial and career success and are at a turning point. Typically they have realized that more money will not make them happier. Many of them can see that the “Type A” personality that has driven them to be successful is not helping them be happy. They want greater meaning in their work and richer fulfillment in their relationships. They are ready to leave the trajectory of their past career to create a life which matches their unique talents and dreams.
